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Oil Painting

Oil Painting, Oct 23rd - Dec 4th

This class is intended for beginners AND more advanced students. 6-week classes can be taken multiple times to help improve your skills.

Learn how to handle oil paint safely and effectively. We will employ a number of techniques and mediums throughout the workshop in order to give you fresh experience and new tools to utilize in your painting practice.

Date and Time: Wednesdays, October 23rd - December 4th, 5:30-7:30pm (no class on October 30th)

Age: 14+

Instructor: Kenzie Holzinger-Smith

Class Fee: $180

Location: Bank of Madison County Basement, 119 S. Main St., Edwardsville, IL 62025

Materials: EAC will provide supplies, but students also have the option of bringing preferred materials.

September 12

Acrylic Painting

October 30

Botanical Painting